couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples,couples, couples
“At best, love is simply the slipping of a hand in another's,
of knowing you are where you belong at last,
and of exchanging through the eyes
that all-consuming regard
which ignores everybody else on earth.”
― Laurie Lee
I Can't Stay Long
couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples
I assisted as the second shooter in another Dumaguete wedding back in December of last year, and what a beautiful wedding it was. All weddings are beautiful, methinks, especially if you are surrounded by flowers and lace, but this one was made even more beautiful by the gorgeous gown, the beautiful bride, and the cutest little flower girls I have ever seen. I also got a second taste of how tedious weddings can be...all that hard work and preparation, waking up early for the big day, fussing over the details like who's driving who to the church, etc, but I guess all that work is worth it. You do get to spend the rest of your life with your soulmate, so I guess all that work is something that most brides just want to get done and over with, no matter how tiring and stressful it gets.
Daryl and Maricel have been together for quite some time, and to see their faces light up with a glow that you only see in couples in love, it is truly magical. And the fact that both worked in different sides of the globe yet they managed to keep their love alive despite the distance somehow makes you think that there is hope for the world yet! Truly, love can weather distance and time. If you are meant to be together, nothing will keep you apart.
Living in dreams of yesterday,
we find ourselves still dreaming of impossible future conquests.
-Charles Lindbergh-
I said a happy Hello to January a week ago, now the week is over and we are finally rolling, rolling, into the rest of the month. I know I'll be going through the wringer before this month is over, but I cannot wait for i to be done so February can finally arrive! But for the meantime, one more photo before I go to bed. : )
Never be afraid to reinvent.
A new year gives you permission to be whoever you wanna be.
2013 is here! Cannot believe another year has gone by. Oddly enough, I do not feel any different, just a bit more anxious since it seems like I'm getting closer and closer to my last year in law school, and if I play my cards right, closer to reviews and all the things that come after that.
But still, anxieties should never get in the way of enjoying all the good things sprinkled in between days. This year is bound to filled with excitement and lots of color, photos, and smiles, from me to the rest of the world! I really do hope I can keep this promise, since I have been known to sport a scowl for no reason at all, LOL! However, with new inspirations like free presets, the photos of Josephine Sicad-Minerva to brighten up my day, the promise of a hearty breakfast in the morning and possibly, just possibly, early morning bike rides to stave off the pounds, I shall be this chirpy and happy when 2013 comes to a close.
Bring it on 2013!
“Live your truth.
Express your love.
Share your enthusiasm.
Take action towards your dreams.
Walk your talk.
Dance and sing to your music.
Embrace your blessings.
Make today worth remembering.”
― Steve Maraboli
Today was supposed to be spent on the road, enjoying the breeze and the sweet, sugary air of Negros Occidental. But plans get thwarted, which, surprisingly, was OK with me. I had planned on waking up early to get some crafting done, but I overslept again. The cancelled trip left my day open to a lot of possibilities among them finally finishing my artframe and hanging my photos on them. I have always wanted to do an artsy frame from scratch--made out of an old, unused frame, cheap wallpaper for the backing, and cheap wooden paper clips which Lee Plaza sells for less than PHP 50. I finally got around to doing just that today, after I printed some photos and cut them up so they can be clipped on along the brown twine that I had attached on both sides of the frame. Finally, le frame is done!
Today is December 29, after all, two days before we greet 2013 (Whew!). After a whole year of promising myself that I'd get my own artsy frame done, I finally got around to it, just in time for the New Year!
Christmastime always brings all sorts of people to our doors. In my hometown, people like to go around caroling for a few pesos, which can amount to a lot if you work at it hard enough. This has been a tradition of sorts and I'm sure it is the same all over the Philippines.
It is usually the people from the mountains who like to sing and ask for Christmas gifts. They go in groups, with homemande ukuleles in hand, most of them wearing thick jackets to ward off the heat or the cold winds brought by the amihan winds. This Christmas is no different. In just one day we had four groups of people who came by to sing, ask for something hot to drink, and even for old clothes. Of course, we give what we could, and they are always grateful, quite unlike some Christmas carolers here in Dumaguete who sing one stanza from a popular Christmas song and proceed to DEMAND that they be given something in return. Where's the Christmas spirit in that, I ask you?
In my hometown, carolers sing Visayan Christmas songs in the distinct plaintive notes that characterize songs from the mountains They also are genuinely happy with whatever we give, whether its a plate of food or a few coins. We had the privilege to be visited by several groups of carolers when we went home for Christmas, and hearing their songs made me wax nostalgic for all the Christmases that have gone by.