“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”
― Henry David Thoreau,
I've always been a fan of walking. There's nothing like the feeling of seeing places and knowing that I have walked their grounds, padded over their cobbled streets, their smooth pavements and even skipped over their wet and muddy potholes during rainy days. Walking makes me feel that I have put my stamp on that part of the world and now I can continue on to some other unexplored territory. And don't even get me started on the health benefits of walking! If not for achy joints and poorly-chosen shoes, I could probably walk all day!
But last weekend's walking session made me think like maybe we overdid it with the walking bit. I don't know how far we walked, but the hubby's phone pedometer clocked us as having walked a total of 1400 steps that day. That's a lot of walking. In fact, we walked so far that we fell asleep on the bus home and almost missed our stop.
However, in the middle of all that walking we finally found the park that JP always wanted to visit. Like most parks in this city, this place is gorgeous. And huge! It boggled my mind to think that the park sat in the middle of a busy highway, since it was quiet and peaceful inside. One of these days I might just hop on the bus with a good book in hand and spend a few hours here.