There are people who live lives of adventure after adventure, an interesting side effect in the search for a better life beyond our tropical cluster of islands. They amaze me with their stories, of taking chances in a foreign land where they didn't speak the language, of surviving by solving each problem as it arose, and stumbling through each roadblock to arrive at a destination where life is at its worst, bearable, and at its best, wonderful.
People who thrive on searching for the next big opportunity or the chance to start something, anything, are always interesting. I've always been the one to choose erring on the side of caution when presented with an opportunity, so the chances that these people have taken I know I can never take for myself, and that's what makes their stories the stuff you want to vicariously live your life by.
These stories are not without their bad sides, however. Some have downright scary turns. But what's amazing is the will to stand up and start all over again.
Took these shots of my friend Rigs, one of the most enterprising people I know and the man behind Imperial Ethos Consulting, a consulting firm in CQ. We scheduled this shoot inside one of the lovely cafes in Olympic Gardens on a drab and rainy afternoon. Shu Cafe is where all the people who have decided to shun Starbucks like to congregate instead. The chairs are huge and comfy and the wooden tables long and perfect for large dinners with friends.
Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits
Or an afternoon portrait session on the fly.
Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits, Portraits
Or an afternoon portrait session on the fly.