“And these things
that keep alive on departure know that
you praise them; transient,
they look to us, the most transient,
to be their rescue.
They want us to change them completely,
in our invisible hearts,
into -- O endlessly -- us! Whoever,
finally, we may be.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke
Duino Elegies

Tried my hand at making Christmas wreaths to give the house even just a hint of Christmas cheer. Sadly the only thing resembling Christmas wreath materials that I have are an old headpiece and fake greens. I ended up making just another version of a floral headpiece. It definitely needs a lot more work before it can even pass as an imitation of a Christmas wreath, haha!
In the course of taking out my craft supplies I came across this beautiful faux book box with gold details given to me by Alma, an artist friend when she came back from Oman. It's one of the most beautiful things I have, so I kept it stored so that it's away from dust and dirt. I've always loved creative, nifty things so having friends who are so generous in giving me beautiful things that I never tie of looking at, that is something that warms my heart over and over and over again. I took a few shots of the box with two equally beautiful gifts given to me by Darwiza, another friend, when she came back from Dubai-- a journal with a USB! It has this wonderful brown color and the pages are buttery soft, I almost do not want to write in them. And of course, the leather notebook given to me by the hubby, back when he was still the boyfriend, after a night of fighting and making up in Moon Cafe.
When I was younger, I didn't see the point of taking pictures of things. But recently, I've begun to take a second look, especially with the help of a camera. Things are a little bit like photographs. You look at them and memories come flooding back, especially if the thing is associated with happy moments from the past. The difference, perhaps, is in the form. Stuff have corners, edges, smooth or rough, shiny or covered in gold embellishments or cheap canvas cloth. Of course, I am no fun of clutter, so keeping a balance is necessary, methinks. JP suggested a solution, which is to take a photo of something special if it's too bulky to keep. And so we circle back again.