Tucked in the foothills of Mount Talinis in Negros Oriental is a small wooden
house that is hidden from the street by tall rambutan trees. This is the mini
World War II museum in Valencia, kept open by
a local who has been collecting World War II relics since he was a
little boy. The house is identifiable to passersby by the small white wooden
sign that bears Japanese characters (which, unfortunately for me, I could not
Visitors who visit this mini museum will be greeted by two large
relics of World War II bombs, more than 5 feet in height, standing guard beside
one wall of the house. Stepping into the first floor of the home, one is immediately
greeted by glass shelves containing everything from old pens to shattered
Japanese bifocals to torn water canisters that World War II soldiers, Japanese
or American, wore on their belts.
The curator is in his mid-40s or 50s and a man of few words,
although he does give helpful answers when asked. He starts the day by wiping
the dust off the displays, polishing the wooden dummy that holds up an old
Japanese uniform, as well as the old brass oil lamps that have probably
provided precious illumination for rebels and civilians in the forest. There is
a small collection of katanas, some complete with their leather sheaths. Only Japanese officers carried katanas, since the
soldiers had to make do with bayonets, the sharp, pointed knives that they
attached to their rifles when closer combat was inevitable. Also in the
collection are two ivory katanas sheaths, covered in the most elaborate carvings
of women in kimonos.
Another interesting discovery would be the collection of
metal water canisters, some with their sides torn off. It is not hard to
imagine a young soldier wearing the canister when a bomb exploded near or under
him, tearing him and the metal canister into pieces. There is a collection of grenades,
lined in a wooden box as if ready for use. In one of the shelves, one can see
empty sachets of soldier’s rations of coffee, toothpaste, and sugar.
The curator and owner is an avid history buff who has been collecting
the items as a child. Today, his collection is so large that it takes up the
entire first floor of his house. There is a donation box near the door, which makes
me think that donations are probably
the only thing that keeps this little museum alive. This is unfortunate, since
the island has also seen its share of significant World War II events. Japanese
soldiers made their way to the mountains here, and people fled to the mountains
for their lives, my grandparents among them.
I can still remember my grandmother talk about how she carried her
sister on her back as they fled from the approaching Japanese, and how they
spent days in the forest, eating nothing but camote.
The relics in this little museum bring that moment to life…
at least a fraction of it. It made me realize that my grandparent’s stories
were real. I forgot to ask the curator if he has made any requests to the local
government for a grant to keep his museum going. It would be a shame if the museum
disappears when he can no longer afford to maintain it.
Note: For now, visitors are what keep the museum. So if you decide to pay a visit, donate anything you can. Another great article about the museum can be read here.