I finally got around to making a header for my blog. I used a picture I took of a fallen leaf in Siquijor... it was the closest thing I could think of that can be linked to a Post-It... the leaf is yellow, and Post-Its are yellow (DUH!)
My sister likes to bake, which is perfect for me since I like to eat. The other day it was raisin crumb cake, a concoction of raisins, vanilla, sour cream and a crusty topping made of cinnamon, sugar, flour and butter. The cake is perfect when warm, with a scoop of ice cream or all purpose cream on the side. YUM! I hope she feels like baking again tomorrow :D
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Personal {Coffee at Home}
“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not o...


Fur mama, bargain hunter, and horror-movie buff. I write for businesses and real people. I also love taking photos of lived, honest and authentic moments. Especially when dogs are involved.