Yesterday, I got to meet a super cool and super 'kalog' family and they were a blast to photograph. Although I seldom shoot family portraits I figured it's time I do it since it is usually fun plus I will get to meet more people during each shoot. When Jella, a former schoolmate of mine messaged me to ask if I could do their portrait, I jumped at the chance. And boy, was I glad I did! The moment I met them I knew the afternoon was going to be full of laughs and silliness and everything that comes with a family that loves to goof around. Here's one frame from yesterday's shoot :)
Happy Thursday!!!
It's always a different kind of happy when it's Christmas. Perhaps it's the thought of getting together, of having an excuse to be together and just spend time as a family... Christmas is an extended weekend of sorts, with some gift giving thrown in. I love Christmas because it is a time when looking back is mandatory, so we can reflect on how blessed we have been for the past year, for new additions to families, new memories made, stronger ties forged. I love Christmas which is why I took out our mini Christmas tree and started to deck the halls like I really meant it. Pepito even joined in on the fun (Ok, the dog was coerced into displaying a good amount of Christmas cheer for the camera, but he does look cute, LOL!).
Merry Christmas everyone!
I got an early Christmas gift from Kat, a photographer/graphic designer friend of mine currently based in SG: a new domain name! Couldn't quite believe my ears when she told me that she got me this as an early Christmas gift. With her help, I jumped from a Blogspot subdomain user to having a domain name of my own. I have always wanted to get a domain name of my own, but domains and htmls and the mention of codes and lines of code freak me out and give me a serious case of the hives, so I stayed away. Perhaps this is the Universe's way of telling me that it is finally time to get a domain of my own, and Kat was the person to prod me into taking that important step.
Soooooooooo, welcome to!!! (still can't believe that I now have a .com after my name. If there's such a thing as a hundred degrees higher than super stoked, that's where I am right now, LOL!)
The holidays is gearing up to be a great one for me, I can feel it! Thanks Kat for such an amazing, wonderful and super thoughtful gift!
“It's a funny thing, how much time we spend planning our lives.
We so convince ourselves of what we want to do,
that sometimes we don't see what we're meant to do.”
Susan Gregg Gilmore
I met Gino and Eva on the day of the shoot and immediately thought, "These two are going to make cute babies together!" I got the feeling that they didn't exactly see this relationship coming, but am pretty sure it's one for the books. Don't you just love how some love stories are like that? Couples go for YEARS, and I mean YEARS before tying the knot, and then you have those who meet and fall in love and that's it, wedding bells and everything that goes with it.
Love can be unpredictable like that.
Love can be, yes indeed, sir, very much like a girl with PMS. Not a very romantic analogy (haha!) but there it is. I loved shooting this couple, they make such a pretty pair. And the venue! I wished we had more light that day, no rain showers, more sun, more time! The venue was gorgeous, with a winding asphalt road that curves through the entire area, a field of pink and white bougainvilleas, a charming little chapel and the most beautiful view of the sea. There was no better place to take their photos.
couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples, couples
MUA: Kim Tan
Location: Our Lady's Garden, Sibulan Negros Oriental