Personal {Thoughts of home while chasing the last of the sunlight}

Nothing is made, nothing disappears.
The same changes, at the same places, never stopping.” 

― Dejan Stojanovic
 The Shape

I've been having a few conversations about life and growing old and jumping off to new adventures lately  and these conversations always leave me thinking long after the moment is done.

Life is constantly moving and places are perhaps the silent witnesses to life's lows and highs and the beautiful moments in between. There are places that do not leave any impression at all, and then there are those that tug at your heartstrings and beg you to slow down, sit awhile, and even put down roots.

Coming here has allowed me to cross paths with wonderful people who have chosen to put make their homes in a foreign land and made it their own with beautiful moments, memories and hopes for the future and their stories are changing the way I view the world and the very concept of home.

A few shots of Teacher T, at the beautiful Olympic Gardens as we tried to salvage the last few minutes of sunlight the other day.

Portraits, portraits, portraits, portraits,portraits, portraits, portraits, portrait

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