Oh Pip!

Pepito is my sister's puppy, a Maltese-Shih Tzu mix. He is a bundle of energy, love, drool, and tiny doggie teeth and there's nothing I like to do than bury my face in his warm fuzzy tummy. His first few days with us were marked by frantic visits to the vet (the first at 2 in the morning) since he had digestive problems and we thought it was Parvo. Now, he's all over the house, biting ankles and darting from one corner to another like a black, furry floor mop. And for some reason, he likes to do his business in my brother's room. Go figure.

2 Comentarios

  1. wish puppies never have to grow up and remain puppies forever!

    1. I wish you could see him Kat. But he's getting a little bit spoiled na,and he likes to bite! A lot!


Say hello! Coffee, perhaps? :)

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